Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who Does That?

Apparently North Face.

I got a hat for the hike to sleep in and for cold weather, so as with all my equipment, I figure I'll give it a little test. I went skiing at Camelback last weekend, so that's as good of a place to go.

The hat was actually a little too good, which is an anomaly for me because I freeze swimming in 70 degree ocean water in the middle of July. I get out and shiver on the towel like an infant.

So I sweated in that thing for about seven or eight hours, and as I don't like to be considered a dirtbag, I decided to wash it when I got home. A regular old hat I think.

"Think again," says North Face.

And if you're having trouble reading that, here you go:

So now I need a new one.

Sons of bitches. Who makes a dry clean only hat?

Anyway, let's do some action shots in the tiny hat:

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Check out today's post! I gave you a shout out.