Monday, March 31, 2008

Autism Links of the Day (03.31.08)

Here's a real good database of autism links from iReport, 11 pages worth. It's mostly blog features on people living with autism, but I always find those more interesting than the science-heavy stuff.

Toys R Us, Chevrolet, TJ Maxx, Modell's, Barnes & Noble, The Bachmann Company, Build-a-Bear and other companies are teaming with Autism Speaks to raise money during April which is Autism Awareness Month. Autism Speaks has information about the promotions at their website, but here's a press release for some general info.

David Savill, an English guy with Asperger's, created Naughty Auties, a virtual autism resource center in Second Life that they hope will help individuals with autism through virtual interaction.


Danielle said...

Pete works for toys r us. We are doing the autism walk for thre company.

Danielle said...

check out this blog in the month of April!

Brad Schmidt said...

Thanks for being my only commenter. We're an army of two.